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"Dopie's World LLC"

Our Story

What We Do

Our Mission

Dopie's World is a spin off from an online radio show that I had the pleasure of hosting for a few years. After taking some time off to become a better version of myself. I did a lot of soul searching, self assessment and reflecting, while on this journey called life. I had to allow myself to be open to all the changes I knew was coming and needed to be made, in order for me to continue my journey and to fulfill my purpose in this life. With that realization, I decided to revamp and recreate Dopie's World as a Youtube channel and a interactive Blog discussing events. I am pleased to add that I am now a published author as well as the proud owner of Dopie's World Event Space.

Dopie's World is a place of community, where I will share our stories filled with advice, tips and tricks pertaining to events like tips, so that you the reader can get inspired and first hand insight when planning your next special event. 

My goal is to influence and motivate as many individuals as possible via our Youtube channel, Blog/Vlog and by attending our many events at the cafe, to go after your dreams, to live that positive filled life we all desire, to finally gain the courage to heal from your past and/or current situations that is holding you back from the greatness waiting for you. To know that you are not alone, always remember that with God and the genuine support of others, anything is possible. It's time to embrace our journey as we figure out and fulfill our purpose in life passionately.

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